
Monday, November 17, 2008


I do not believe that anyone is perfect. Hell God knew that, that is why Jesus died! We are human and capable of falling short. So if this is how we are, I will suggest that you embrace your imperfections. Don't try and change yourself for someone or allow someone to change themselves for you. If you can not love, or be loved, for who you are please omit them from your lives. It probably won't end well.

I applaud my imperfections for making me different. For making the aversion approachable and desirable because it's accepted by self. People love those who love themselves despite of, because your courage is intriguing and attractive. I find myself drawn to those who have confidence in their three mile gaps (no pun intended), ridiculously bowed legs or their unique style. I will not let my eyes stray because there is indeed something that is touching; it brings me to smiles and I won't forget them. Those people you want to tell everyone about them. And it's being messy, in a good way.

Self esteem is developed by self; never blame someone else for making YOU feel a certain way about YOU...That makes no sense to me when people say, "he/she/they lowered my self-esteem", How?? It comes from you. Kat Williams said it the best, "Self-esteem, esteem of your mother-fucking self"! I mean we all have days when we don't feel like our hair will ever be right, we need a haircut real bad, the out-fit is wack or makes us look fat, but that doesn't mean you always look like that or that is how people always view you! And even if they did! SO WHAT! A large portion of the time those people that are so worried about you and insecure themselves, and talk about others to take attention from themselves. I never concern myself about what someone says, ESPECIALLY if they do not know me. I am not saying that I am a saint; and just for the record everyone who comments on someones appearance is not insecure, they are just ridiculous. Some people don't think before they speak and show no concern until the tables are turned, then they understand. I call those people "I learn the hard way folks."

Bottom line, people are going to talk, but don't concern yourself with what they say. Make your opinion priority to you.


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