
Monday, June 25, 2012

Only You

No matter how much I look forward
My heart looks back
Only love so true
Makes the present fade to black
And the past
Now the desirable
Only you
Him who keeps butterflies fluttering
Him whose love holds no boundaries
I feel you yearning
I hear your soul call me
But I don't answer
Because your heart and mind
Not alike
I want you to believe the unconscious
I want you to make the emotion tangible
Show me you
And all that encompasses
The only man I have ever truly wanted
Show me
Everything that
Only you would know

Saturday, June 16, 2012

He, My Love

I anticipated being surrounded by blank
and canvas
Where I can be free
Supported by strength
The edges
Rooted in truth
And wrapped in peace
Because you
My love
Will be
The man who makes sense of my faith
Keep me in line with right
Create a pathway
Tailored to my thoughts
And shaped for my grace
My Love
Will be
The only man that God ordained
My righteousness
And that is what love looks like
In soul's space

Monday, June 11, 2012

I feel lifeless
Like a broken heart
You broke my wings
And I can not fly in peace
I need you to break free
Speak calm to the storm of my misery
If only you knew
How hatred encompassed me

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

The Fight

I wish not death on you
On me
On he
Or even
Those who take for granted the little things
The simple pleasures
The freedom to wake
Not having to fear
Or fight
For the one thing you lack incite
Nothing is forever
But while you take pleasure in it
Appreciate it
For those who are strong
Take advantage of the opportunity
To fight to live
And those who are weak
Selfishly seek
To the greatest gift
Love brings...

Sunday, June 3, 2012

I'm in love with...

I am in love with life
Like I am in love with you
You being she
The girl that makes up
In life
and in love with self
I make do
I have learned too
love she most
love her more than you
And nothing's better than
Being in love
Eye smiles
and soul tunes
Life is so much better
when I know how to love
In love with...