
Wednesday, October 8, 2008

PoeT SpeaK

If every post you read......

brings a song to mind,

you find it easy to relate to because all the words rhyme

or your heart cheers as your mind defines the phrases

that is a sign

that a PoeT SpeaKs

that is the effect of TRUTH SPEAK

can't deny its realness,

so straight forward that you can't do anything more than accept it

and hope that you aren't the only one relating to it

always want to have it


so you read it everyday

just to get a hit of what you missed

the lesson you avoided

or the logic you distorted

to make you seem right

to make your reality make sense

If you nodded you head at least once, my job is done. I make the world make sense. And although my blogs are more catered to love, passion and life experience, you still LOVE it. Just like I love LOVE, and I live it, I breath it, I sing it and of course I write it. I just let it be, and it all makes sense to me. So why not give it to you? Why not capture the poet in you? I Speak PoeTically and I hope it gets through, past the brain waves directly to the vains, I hydrate you. Embody it. This is just a brief reminder of why all my posts either rhyme, or stop time, as you are captivated in its expression. I am good at this, better yet GREAT and you insist that I continue, because you always want to listen and never stop reading, with hopes that you will envision the process, what I did to get here, how long it took and why my brain is so good here, in this LIFE, in this TIME. I was meant to move you. God put me here to show you, TRUTH; through the eyes of an imperfect believer; through my heart I make understanding common. Truth Speak. Have you had enough yet?? I doubt it.....

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