
Saturday, December 22, 2012

Why I write about love?

Someone asked me the other day why I wrote about love. Never been asked that before although I am aware of the fact that love and life consume my work. I'm extremely fascinated by the affects of love and life.

Love to me is more than just a relationship with a loved one or a significant other. To me love applies to many other aspects of life. The passion for love and recognition of its true purpose helps us to understand how to conduct ourselves on a day to day basis. Because quite frankly I'm tired of hearing that someone killed because they were in love, or they are jealous because they are in love, or they hate because they are in love, etc.  I do recognize the thin line between love and hate but that same line is between right and wrong and good and evil to be honest. But when you love you do not hate! Period!

I go more in depth about this in my current literary project, The Love Trials. I hope you all read and do share your thoughts!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Poetically Speaking

So I a have not written a post in awhile so I feel the need to share somethings.   I use this blog to speak poetically, but that does not mean you will not find poetry on my other blogs.   Each of my blogs caters to a certain feel, a certain aspect of life and love that I wish to share with you.   Poetically Speaking encompasses more of my poetry surrounded by the situations of life and love.  I try to talk about things most would not here.  I share feelings that most wish to say but don't here.  I do it so that we can create a bond through words and you can have somewhere to come and know that you can relate to it because  IT IS REAL!

I pride myself on being honest in my work, unless it is deemed fiction of course.  I like to share truth because in my opinion that is the only way to make it relatable.    I want my readers thousands of miles away to be able to feel the pain, excitement, joy that is encompassed in my work because they know and understand the situation and share my emotion.

I speak poetically because I am a poet and I see the world in poetry.   Thank you so much for reading me.  Because that is what I give you, me.  My heart, my love, my world, my situations, my emotions, my anger, my frustrations, me.  And in everything that you read there is a message of hope, peace and love.  I try to show that I am a work in progress and yes it may be tough today, but it will be better tomorrow.  Broken hearts are a phase, encountering jealousy is a phase, loosing life is inevitable, etc.  The more you talk about it, the more you free up yourself, your mind, your soul to focus on the positive.

So again, thank you so much for sharing my stories, my poetry.  If there is anything more I can do for you please let me know.

One Love,


Sunday, September 9, 2012

Greed, Green Eyes & Ignorance

What we considered
But it's here

And betraying
Favored amongst the masses
And the dark can no longer mask it
Now in the light
It fights against the just
Green eyes
Considered untouched
And now we fall victim to
And God could help those who
Stand for it
But they don't want his love
They fight against it
For power is sought
The strength to change the inevitable
Lies in the hearts of believers
Who fear God
And love the unchangeable
Is a disease
Green eyes
Is the host
And our ignorance
Is the contagion

No one wins a war
But love can fight for the cause

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The Passion to Give

Seeing double
Blurred vision
Like all of a sudden
I see two
And nothing is clear

I feel like I am trapped
Pinned down in a spiral of the unfit
Being pulled down in a barrel of the selfish
I am learning
The hard way
That giving is harder for some
Receiving we are all receptive
Without expecting to help
Divide happiness
And surplus
In the time of struggle
We latch on to frugal
And in most cases
A blatant unwillingness to be there
For someone else
And I can see color
Even though you all are blurry
And I know that when the tables are turned
Hands are drawn
Palm facing up
Eager to receive
Oblivious to others need
And you will surely see
The passion to give
Supersedes receipt

Sunday, August 19, 2012

The Happiest Woman Alive

I am happiest when...
I thought I could easily answer
The question
Everyday before
But now I know
Love and happiness lies in you
A love of my own
You show me
The simple things
And life is easy
In your arms
Breath matches
Heartbeat dances
To the same rhythm
Drama aside
Passion multiplied
To easy
You and I
Make me
The happiest woman alive

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Chest opened
Heart ripped
Deprived of chance
Opportunity to life
Now separated from
The possibility
I don't get the chance to cease the moment
Smell the roses
Or lay in your presence
Because you chose to separate
My existence
From the possibility
Love is not easy
And being in love is crazy
Emotions strong
Captivating realities
Of the wants
And dislikes
The needs
Desires not alike
Preservation of the ability
To come back HOME
Where the heart is...
Where my love is
In the heart
To which you hold the key
And your faith
All I ever want is for you to believe in me
That I will make it better
Trust that love is all we need to weather
The difficulties

Wednesday, July 25, 2012


So I wanted give some motivation today.  My motivation comes in the form of rational thinking and tough love.  So I have a few questions...

When you woke up this morning how did you feel?

What did you expect from your day?

What is the situation you need motivation out of?

What do you need motivation to do?

Why are you not motivated?

If you have answered one or more of these questions, I would like to suggest that you change your outlook.  Don't look for motivation, instead focus on the need.  Not sure what I mean...well take these examples.  Think about how you feel versus how you need to feel.  What you expect versus what you need to expect.  Where you are versus where you need to be, etc.  Sometimes we allow ourselves to get caught up in the lack of motivation versus what we need.  You will find that focusing on the need will channel your motivation.  It will eliminate the questions.  Some people think of what they need to do and think they need motivation when they need to simply understand the NEED for what they are doing.  That need serves as the purpose/reason.  The need serves as the motivating factor.

Motivation by definition is the act or an instance of motivating or providing with reason to act in a certain way  (2) the state or condition of being motivated   (3) something that motivates inducement; incentive (  

With that being said we should stop allowing people and things to motivate things that we may not need.  Only you know what you need.  You know where you want to be and what your expectations are.   Stop being lazy and codependent and think about you needs.  I don't understand how so many people want to put off their current state on someone else.  Never taking the fault for why they are in the positions their in.  It is understandable that we do not have control over all circumstances, but we do have the capability to make choices.  Our choices contribute to the circumstances as well.  So instead of sulking or being lazy trying to place blame, take responsibility for your choices.  If you aren't where you want to be you need to make new decisions.  What do you need to do to get to where you want to be?  Allow that to be your motivation.  Let me know what happens!  

One Love,


Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Shades of You

You woke up
Eyes glowing
Sun kissed
Gazing into my eyes
And I
Never surprised when you
Turn shades of blue
Bound by emotions
Your to afraid to
So in denial
You act as if I
Don't matter
Shades of confusion
Try to determine the difference
Between love
And in love
Now frustration filled arms
Keep you away
And I
Bring you back to
Shades of joy
With just one kiss
You remember the love
And your fixed
Discarded discombobulation
Then you see
A glimpse of happiness
In past lies
Or in new thighs
And you
Turn again
Throwing shade from every angle
Fed up
Take turns showing you the emotions you gave me in one motion
Back turned
Head high
I keep walking
With no concern for your melancholy
You want to bring clarity to your confusion now
But I don't hear you
I have joy
In the eyes who take pride in the stride
That led me away from you

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Shades of Envy

Your eyes
Now a funky shade of green
And I
Still see things
Bluer than ever
I can't seem to find the meaning
Behind those
Green eyes
You had the opportunity to share life
And love
Now only to find that all that was
Is no longer desired
So you
Shades of envy
Longing for what was once your own
With hopes of
Second chances
And you digress
For years
But what seem like moments
In soul time
You make due
With comfort ability
You seek space
In time capsules
And your eyes keep getting greener
And your heart keeps getting weaker
And your soul lonelier...
Ruffling through the shades of envy

Love is...

Love is...
Only as strong as you make it
Only blind as you allow
Only as long as you demand
Love is...
In the grand scheme
Love is everything
Its keen
To understanding purpose
To fulfilling your mission
The definition of love
Encompasses existence
Love is...

Monday, June 25, 2012

Only You

No matter how much I look forward
My heart looks back
Only love so true
Makes the present fade to black
And the past
Now the desirable
Only you
Him who keeps butterflies fluttering
Him whose love holds no boundaries
I feel you yearning
I hear your soul call me
But I don't answer
Because your heart and mind
Not alike
I want you to believe the unconscious
I want you to make the emotion tangible
Show me you
And all that encompasses
The only man I have ever truly wanted
Show me
Everything that
Only you would know

Saturday, June 16, 2012

He, My Love

I anticipated being surrounded by blank
and canvas
Where I can be free
Supported by strength
The edges
Rooted in truth
And wrapped in peace
Because you
My love
Will be
The man who makes sense of my faith
Keep me in line with right
Create a pathway
Tailored to my thoughts
And shaped for my grace
My Love
Will be
The only man that God ordained
My righteousness
And that is what love looks like
In soul's space

Monday, June 11, 2012

I feel lifeless
Like a broken heart
You broke my wings
And I can not fly in peace
I need you to break free
Speak calm to the storm of my misery
If only you knew
How hatred encompassed me

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

The Fight

I wish not death on you
On me
On he
Or even
Those who take for granted the little things
The simple pleasures
The freedom to wake
Not having to fear
Or fight
For the one thing you lack incite
Nothing is forever
But while you take pleasure in it
Appreciate it
For those who are strong
Take advantage of the opportunity
To fight to live
And those who are weak
Selfishly seek
To the greatest gift
Love brings...

Sunday, June 3, 2012

I'm in love with...

I am in love with life
Like I am in love with you
You being she
The girl that makes up
In life
and in love with self
I make do
I have learned too
love she most
love her more than you
And nothing's better than
Being in love
Eye smiles
and soul tunes
Life is so much better
when I know how to love
In love with...

Monday, May 21, 2012

In your absence...

body not present
I try not to sulk
in your absence
try to make due
with the long distance
but my mind lingers on the next 
the next opportunity
I'd get
to make the most of it
to make the seconds turn to minutes
from minutes to hours
and hours to years
in your embrace
try to make due
but the long distance doesn't soothe
the passion you ignite
the fire I fight
because we are so right
that no even distance
could hide

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Open to life
Like I am open to you
And all is new
In love
With no limits

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Liberating Love

I am free
Just able to be
At all cost
And you love it
Even all the faults
Lucky I am
To have
The ideal man
In love with free
Just as much as he is in love with me
And we meet
In the middle
To breathe
Each exhale
Deems peace
Liberated part
Of you...
With hopes of enduring
This love
For eternity

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

A Poem A Day - Light As A Feather

I come down soft
Tickling the skin
Stroking that hair that causes you to grin
Now smiling you
Make way for the new
You are eager
The new
And we are limitless
Exploring new abilities
I can't wait to see
Which hair you stroke
Or which part the skin you will tickle
Because if joy comes in this form
It is sure to linger
A few extra minutes
Before it hits the gound
So for now
I don't want my smile
To tell the story
Of what I've been through
I just want to show
The place you take me too

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

A to Z Challenge on AUDRIWRITES BLOG NOW!!!

A to Z Challenge - 30 Days of Comic Relief
So if you know me at all I am definitely pushing myself outside of my comfort zone by writing about comedy in general.  Although I consider myself to be somewhat funny, more of a sarcastic funny really, but I am definitely going to try and thoroughly examine what contributes to a successful comedy.  
For all that are familiar with the with A to Z Challenge don’t judge me I am a rookie.  And for those who are unfamiliar with the Challenge basically I will be posting each day with a letter from A to Z (starting with A) being the topic for the post of that day.   If that doesn’t define the challenge thorough enough for you please feel free to click the link below:
Hope you all enjoy!  
One Love,

Monday, April 2, 2012

Nothing Left To Give

Hope is in the yearning
Never loosing sight of life's purpose
Having faith in the outcome
Loving until you have nothing
Left to give
That is free
Something that cost nothing
Can get you everything
If you think about it
Find that light
That speaks to your heart
And listen with ears
That navigate the soul
Hope is in the yearning
Never loose sight of life's purpose
Have faith in the outcome
And love until you have nothing
just when I gave up on
the possibility
God showed me a new light
a new right
a favor so great
I could only hope for
an ounce of faith
and I did

the birth of great success
great motivation
a new determination
to be better
to be wiser
to work harder
and I thank you
because I almost gave up
I can't even sip from the cup
it overflows...

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

My Heart On Canvas

shocked at how the paint
turned to words
as the colors splattered the emotions of you
on the canvas
so pissed off
so confused
so torn
in search of the truth
you leave a question mark
you break my heart
and with one motion
one word
you mend it
I can't wait for it
I have to go
I built a brick wall
no turning back
can't see you
I am through
no questions now
my heart
has left you...

Monday, March 19, 2012


I am going
as far away from here as I can
I choose not to let lies win
I choose not to
allow assumptions in
I am going
right to his desires
where his love is strong
where a man knows how to identify
when love has grown
one who takes his time and
love in gentle touches
and appreciation
where actions speak loud
and words compliment
I am going
because this love
is where I belong

Thursday, March 1, 2012

The Creator

I was designed by the creator to be fearless.  I was designed to be strong.  I have no limits to my greatness.

the creator
the sculptor
the manipulator
made me to be
with a sound mind
brave heart
at all cost
I find myself
the creator
I want to shape you
I want to mold you
I want to manipulate you into being everything you think you are not
I want to give you the tools to build
a world
without doubt
the tools to call on your creativity
to create a masterpiece
I give you that
as I give you me
I am missing a few colors
but I have faith
and believe
that the creator
will paint me

Friday, February 17, 2012

Talking in his sleep

mumbling words
spoke a story
until now
as I lay there
trying to make out
the truth
for jumbled thoughts
and groggy tunes
told the tale
of infidelity
and I only found out
because he was taking in his sleep...

Monday, February 13, 2012

Rest in Peace...

There is really no appropriate title for this post as I am merely commenting on a Facebook post added by a friend of mine this week.

I am very objective and took no immediate offense to the post, but rather tried to consider the viewpoint of the poster.  The post read "Whitney Who?"

The photograph is at this link with this caption “America's fighting men and women sacrifice much to ensure that our great nation stays free. We owe a debt of gratitude to all our Military that have paid the ultimate price for this cause, as well as for those who are blessed enough to return from the battlefield unscathed.” Allen Boyd 

The photograph shows coffins of soldiers who have lost their lives in service to our wonderful country.  This was intriguing because it seems like we want to redirect focus to the servicemen rather than off of Whitney Houston's shocking death as if to devalue her death.  I, and I can only speak for myself, have not now and will never discredit the thousands of men and women who volunteer to fight for our country's safety.  I, not now and will never, devalue the devastation and tragedy of any type of loss.  I do not feel that by celebrating a life, of any kind, devalues the lives lost by those who serve our country.  I think that the post was immaturely represented in that it attempts to prioritize deaths.  Would you post this photo if an immediate family member died?  If your mother passed away would you post a photo of soldiers and say "Mother Who"?  I don't think anyone would because the loss is great.  And your attention and focus is on dealing with that loss.   You would never devalue your mother's death.

There are thousands of people who die everyday and no one even knows who they are.  Yet, people die everyday, innocent people, senselessly but we are not directly affected as sometimes we are unaware or have no direct or indirect relationship to those individuals.  It is not our place to pass judgement.  We can not fault people who have developed relationships with this vocalist.  Those who viewed her life as a testimony of strength and great faith.  No one in life is perfect by far, but her life and her music brought hope to many people.  Those who grew to know and love her music allowed her words, lyrics to directly affect their lives.  For all we know she could have saved lives through her words and her faith.  I do not think that by celebrating her life, that we can not also celebrate the lives of those who fight or have fought everyday for this country.

Now there were several posts/comments in the thread that I don't particularly agree and I won't respond to each individually but I will say that regardless to how someone dies, no one is absolutely perfect.  Many of the individuals on that thread are not perfect, but I would hate to hear what someone would say about you when you past away.   I would hope that they would not say that "you got what you deserved" or that "it was your fault".  Regardless that is not the reason for celebrating a life.  You celebrate the good things.   We are uncertain how many soldiers fight because they have nothing to lose, or whose to say that they don't devalue their own lives so they just fight with hope to die?  We are uncertain of those things just as we are uncertain of what Whitney Houston was actually going through but we remember her for all the great she has done and we remember those soldiers for the great things that they have done.

This post is not to attack anyone but to merely provide a more objective viewpoint and to voice an opinion.  

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Southern Belles, Fiction Novel, Synopsis

Southern Belles is a novel that takes readers on an emotional and dramatic journey into the lives, hearts and minds of a group of women who are true Southern Belles.  

Southern Belles is driven by the secrets of Jazzmine Phillips.  Jazzmine is originally from Chicago, but has lived in Texas for two years, in which she has developed a great friendship under the alias Alana Gaines with LaShelle, Natalie, Yolanda and Brittney.  When Jazzmine hit rock bottom, nearly being beaten to death, she fled Chicago and never looked back, determined to never let sex and money fuel desperation.  When Alana gets a feeling that she may have encountered a shady business deal, she calls on a friend from home to investigate.  Alana reluctantly discovers that LaShelles dedication to Slayton, is greater than any regard for Alanas best interest.

LaShelle, Shelle, age 30, is a woman of great knowledge but struggles with finding a balance between her professional, social and love life.  LaShelle is willing to do anything for the man she loves.  She is so blinded by love that it was inevitable that she would have to endure the consequences of being in a relationship with a notorious thug.

Natalie, Nat, age 25, spends most of her time climbing the corporate ladder, partying and seeking love.  Natalie has relations with three men; a man who doesnt really want to commit, a man who finally realizes that she is the one he wants and a man who she thought was willing to love her without obligation, through which she slowly discovers which gentleman truly has her best interest at heart.

Yolanda is a spoiled, unmotivated brat, who at the age of 28, still has no true goal for her life.  Yolanda lives at home with her parents in which she has no real responsibility.  Yolanda has acquired great education, at the expense of her parents, in hope to continue to receive their financial support.  She is perceived as naïve, but she always happens to be in the right place at the right time; because of that, she is able to shine light on a lot of things that have been going on right under the others noses.

Brittney, Britt, age 27, single handedly takes care of her son, Caleb, while running a very successful business and dealing with the trifling, selfish and freeloading man who fathered her child.  Brittney, so unhappy with the way her life was headed, leaves her babys father and jumps on a chance to be with her one true love, Maxwell Caleb Lawson, the man whom which she named her son after!   What Brittney thought would be a fairy tale ending turns into a nightmare.  Brittney finds out that everything that glitters isnt gold and there was a reason that she and Maxwell were not meant to be.

The Belles meet monthly; a time for each of them to reflect on their lifes journey, discuss issues and provide support for one another.  With this being a very dynamic group of women, the meetings can become unruly and not all the time do the ladies see eye to eye.

Southern Belles highlights the strength and determination southern women have for success.  Southern Belles seeks to promote self awareness, dignity and pride amongst women.  Southern Belles tells of how to succeed when faced with the inevitable aspects of life.

Who will persevere?  Whose life will end?  Will they remain friends?

Monday, February 6, 2012

Ode to Poetry

So my ability to speak poetically is easily summed up in a phrase, "When I lost courage to speak, I sought refuge in a pen and discovered a voice, poetically spoken."  I have for many years, and still believe, that this same drive is the essence of each post and poem you read.  In all my work I strive to give you me.  The "me" that you may not otherwise understand if you were not able to read.

So please make sure you let me know what you all think.

Here is a poem that I like to call "Ode to Poetry":

A tribute to
an old fashion love
a love that stands true
a golden dove
flying great altitudes
I sing new tunes
in your arms
curled up
pen and pad
in heaven again
I give you all of me
each emotion
and great memory
I need you to
summarize my journey
and we live forever
in phrases that enliven
with lyrics
a symphonic melody
I need you now
and forever
so my soul I give to you
that encompasses all of me
I love you always