
Tuesday, June 28, 2011


So I think we will be in great trouble if we continue to allow our youth to be miss guided.  There, in my opinion, is a common misconception about the education of our youth and their ability to make sound decisions however they seem to be making the adults believe that they are more than capable.  Just so stubborn and hard to please, what should we do with these troubled teens? 

My concern stems from the fact that there are more followers than leaders in this younger generation.  In my generalization I find that today's teen want everything handed to them and sugar coated, as my parents would say.  Don't want to know what's right, just want to do what is right for now.  Selfish and self-centered we allow these to be the generation that our children will see.  The generation that our children will long to be.  

Unfortunately they assume that life is as easy as what they see on TV.  They are all thinking of "get rich quick" schemes.  Everyone wants to be a rapper, and actor or a model with no foundation or brains to follow.  I find myself trying to explain and provoke understanding amoungst this generation.  They must realize that even if they do happen to make the right connections and/or happen to get to a place they want to be, what will they do if their attitude, lack of professionalism and poor speech land them on their asses?  What will they do then with only one degree, a hope and a dream?

I think that it is important for us to educate them at all cost.  Work experience and an education go hand in hand.  Just because you have a degree that does not certify your common sense or your ability to comprehend the tasks at hand.  Doing and reading is two totally different things; but what do we know?  Can't help for being told to just "let them live" and "follow your dream"!  Not to discourage the message but to educate about what work ethic and dedication goes along with that.  EXPERIENCE is key.  I believe that some of them think they are going to talk their way to the top.  What are you with no common sense?  Where are you with no ethics?  Where are you with no education?  Where are you without any sort of foundation?  Questions that we should make sure to provide the answers to.

I wish that you consider Generation X (as I am on the cusp of X and Generation Y or the Millennials), I will refer to that generation as "WE" , so please take notice to the fact that we are very hard workers, we understand the value of "paying dues" and we are willing to take what we need to get to where we want to be.  We gain the experience.  Please now consider Generation Y, a generation of followers, just like homosexuality is an epidemic, not to take it away from those who have chosen to take that path, but consider how many are just following.  Please also consider Generation Y and their ability to lean and concentrate on achieving goals in the entertainment or music industry?  How many of them are actually participating in internships or working to support the dream?  Most are just blogging, YouTubeing (for lack of a better term) or solely dependent on the Internet.  I watched a series of videos on youtube where "twerking" is the new thing.  Although it is a form of dance, parents are not considering the message it sends for a 12-16 year old making a video, with underwear on, "twerking" and posting it on the internet.  There should be no question of why are children are getting raped, its because their inocence is being stripped because of what is avaliable via internet for them to view and mimic.  Just think, if the Internet failed/crashed tomorrow, what would they do?  How would they respond?  Would they still have the same aspirations?

Again, these are only things to consider, and this is only a generalization, I would never say it is solely fact because there are some exceptions to the rule and I believe that behavior and perception is dependent upon up bringing.  In my opinion most single parent children learn from an early age the struggle and want to make sure to give their all to make a different and/or change their surroundings.  In comparison to two parent homes, where most of the children are crutched through life and worry not about the small things; therefore they take advantage of almost everything.  That which deprives them of acquiring traits of persistence and dedication.  And if there is persistence and dedication it is not for the greater good it is more often than not for self preservation. And once again, it is a generalization so if it does not speak to you individually.

I think I fear that we are troubled because we are amoungst a generation who does not understand what it means to struggle.   Struggle brings about humility which feeds sincerity and drive. 


Anonymous said...

Hey Sweetie,
I love and adore the points you have made in the following entry named "Trouble" about our current and young generation of today. How there are more young followers than young leaders in what we call our generation of the new millenium. On the other hand to say we are the future...on many levels your entry "Trouble" speaks more than truth to how troublesome our future seems to becomming because of our generation. I agree with you 100 percent but i also feel our generation lacks confidence and the respect of our elders because without the help of our elders, many things of what we have today would not be possible.
I'm known as Ms.Talented10 aka Nequa Jones and I too am a writer or you can say a person that loves to write (specializing poetry). What you wrote Sweetie is beautiful.=)

Audreyanna Garrett, MBA, MSc said...

Thanks so much for taking the time to read and comment on my post. I have to agree with your response, in addition to the things I have stated you have made a valid point regarding the "lack of confidence and respect of our elders". I think it is funny that even I still say yes/no ma'am/sir to anyone that seems to be older that I am. That is something that became habitual because of my upbringing. I have never heard a child,out side of my 3 year old nephew, say yes/no ma'am, yes/no sir. It is disturbing that there is no fear and no discipline. That of course says a alot about their inability to lead because they can not follow. They are very unruly and head strong and that scares me.