
Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The Norm

Who sets the norm? I hope you don't think the celebrities do... To be the norm, whatever is being generalized has to be equally accessible. We have to have the capacity to do it, to live it and to wear it, just as the celebrities and/or CEOs.

So you love to be the norm. I take it and put my twist on it. I develop this, a new era, new style, new basis for you to aspire to. Never understood how, what THEY say is what YOU do; this skirt has to go with these shoes or to wear ankle pants as a dude is Cool! I present to you, the new standard. To trust yourself and believe in you. Who cares what it looks like, OK wait I take that back; we are human and critical as hell, so just be aware of what you want to portray. I don't want to see hookers at the age of eight.

Frown at the norm because you want to be Hollywood. Always walking around like the paparazzi is following you. Flashing lights and shit ahead of you. Trippin'! From one extreme to the next. I guarantee if you had it, the money you seek, you would down play it. You would always have niggas tryin' to get your shit. Confidence doesn't come with fame, or what you think is fame. Popularity can be won with nothing. How you are viewed is the result of you. If you are fake, everyone around you can tell. It doesn't matter what you try to portary. You have what you have so act that way. This ain't rocket science, just hard to admit. Until it's thrown in your face you won't face it. Stop trying to be who you are not. Stop wanting the fame because it's not all it's cracked up to be. It is simply a facade, because life isn't easier. Life is still life, with the same challenges and rewards just at a cheaper price. It doesn't cost anything to just live and enjoy life.

Sunday, October 19, 2008


I am a strong independent woman; the one he seeks. The woman that keeps your man in the streets, because you aren't satisfying. And I am by no means justifying his lack of commitment; only stating that if that man is getting distant, you lack his attention. You lack the resistance, that challenge, that fight that kept him intrigued, initially, and so lately, he has been wondering more about me while your sleeping.

I am a working woman; I hold no desire to ask a man for a dime, penny, nickle, hell or even a quarter, because everything I got is MINE. I didn't see you come to the register to pay when I was next in line! You stood back; and allowed yourself to become intimidated by my capacity to succeed without you.

I am a god-fearing woman; never putting a man's need before my devotion to GOD. Unwilling to compromise, because in the end, a good man is never hard to find, it just has to be the right time. You have to be willing to appreciate him and his worth. Ready to allow him to be a man, without consequence. Able to distinguish moments of submission, support and individualism.

I am a beautiful woman; demanding respect. The future of your being, you mother, sister, wife and daughter. I am in every thought, stride, step and glance. I am what you seek; WOMAN. I am she, and her is me. Providing you ecstasy and hell all in the same week.

I am love. I speak it. I give it all to you, and you need it. Never take it back, its priceless. I give it away because I like too and I can afford it. I am never ending. Just like life, love and giving; I will never leave. Just like this post, my journey is incomplete. I must keep living to give you more to read. So part two will come eventually. Until then, keep loving me.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

PoeT SpeaK

If every post you read......

brings a song to mind,

you find it easy to relate to because all the words rhyme

or your heart cheers as your mind defines the phrases

that is a sign

that a PoeT SpeaKs

that is the effect of TRUTH SPEAK

can't deny its realness,

so straight forward that you can't do anything more than accept it

and hope that you aren't the only one relating to it

always want to have it


so you read it everyday

just to get a hit of what you missed

the lesson you avoided

or the logic you distorted

to make you seem right

to make your reality make sense

If you nodded you head at least once, my job is done. I make the world make sense. And although my blogs are more catered to love, passion and life experience, you still LOVE it. Just like I love LOVE, and I live it, I breath it, I sing it and of course I write it. I just let it be, and it all makes sense to me. So why not give it to you? Why not capture the poet in you? I Speak PoeTically and I hope it gets through, past the brain waves directly to the vains, I hydrate you. Embody it. This is just a brief reminder of why all my posts either rhyme, or stop time, as you are captivated in its expression. I am good at this, better yet GREAT and you insist that I continue, because you always want to listen and never stop reading, with hopes that you will envision the process, what I did to get here, how long it took and why my brain is so good here, in this LIFE, in this TIME. I was meant to move you. God put me here to show you, TRUTH; through the eyes of an imperfect believer; through my heart I make understanding common. Truth Speak. Have you had enough yet?? I doubt it.....

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

What's a WOMAN to DO?????

I am, for the first time in my life, SPEECHLESS. And not in a good way, in a "I never thought I could love again" way. And it's sad to say that the one love I thought I would never have, may never be, because of stubbornness, nonchalant attitudes and simply, broken hearts. I knew it then, and even more so now, that I had found it (it being love), he was the one. The only man I wanted to marry. I am not looking forward to settling for less than he, but what is a woman to do? I can no longer wait without response from you. You have to be willing to take the good with the bad. Have to be willing to forgive and allow the past to be the past. DAMN I am going to miss him. But DAMN I need him. I feel like I am in a game of tug-a-war....Whenever I feel I am succeeding I loose my grip and I fail him once more. Then we are back, life John Legend says, doing it again! Trying to win with a half ass effort. So, I ask, what is a woman to do; when I see the potential? When I allow myself to take a risk with you? Should I allow you to continue to play games? NEGATIVE, I refuse. Life is to precious to waste time with you. I can't be in a relationship on my own. For a relationship to be, it needs the dedication of TWO. So why do I feel like a fool? Why can't I let go of OLD NEWS?? No formal response to the question, but I do know that my heart leads me back to you. I see signs in my everyday activities that revert back to you. Seems crazy, but its true. Technically, nothing about us has been normal since day one. Its been more or less like a dream come true, story book, fairy tale or TV shit. We both will agree that we never expected to encounter this shit. But I like it, better yet I love it, and I am IN LOVE WITH YOU. All I ask is that one day you will accept it. Be a fool too, because quite frankly, that is the only way we can make it. Maybe its true, "Time heals all wounds," although it's easier for me to get over it than you, I guess I will allow time to bring me back to you.

You made me weak
Like Ike did my roof
I fell through
Not strong enough to bear you
We were suppose to be better than
Gave me life in 3-d
You allow your selfishness to hurt me
Thought you respected me
If nothing at all
Thought you respected we

Completely blinded
I allowed you conquered me
I fell short on love
Allowed my emotions to dictate actions
Yet inevitable

The regretful inevitable is what you get
With lover's scorn
When hearts are torn
And severely saddened

Locked eyes
Beamed hurt without remorse
Pierced my soul
And I no longer have hope for
What I though you were
I no longer wait for
How could I wait for someone that could give two shits about me?
I know
It hurts
I am not through
Despite what I say
I am not done with you
Without you
I am incomplete
Just as this poem is
As well as our LOVE
I dedicate this to you
To us
TO BE CONTINUED..................